Wednesday, 23. October 2024    


7. Palace Midas

Finds: 3 Secrets, 28 Supplies Enemies (43): 4 crocodiles, 3 rats, 6 lions, 10 bats, 20 gorillas Length: Gaming Time: 60 minutes Additional Help: If you need more help with this level, please click on one of the resources linked in the footer.
Legend: Youtube (Youtube), Youtube (Forums), Trophies & Achievements (Trophies/Achievements), Controls (Controls), Savegames (Savegames), Gear (Gear), Traps (Traps), Enemies (Enemies)


You begin this level underwater in a pool. Climb out. Run into the right of the three passages. Around the corner, you will be attacked by a crocodile. Kill it. Follow the passage and turn right, leave the stairs for later. Follow the tunnels till you come to a room with a couple of big archways. Run into the right corner. Shoot the gorilla. Then pick up the two packs of magnum ammo. Return outside. Run into the other direction. Two lions will come rushing at you. If you advance carefully, you can attract them one at a time. The first will attack shortly after the third alcove. Shoot them. Then run into the last alcove. Shoot a couple of bats. On the left side you can find a small medipack. Pick it up. Now return through the passage to the stairs.

Reaching the five levers

Now run up the stairs. You will come to a chamber with columns and a huge platform with levers at the back. Kill three gorillas. Take a look around in the chamber. There are four closed wooden doors. They have a sign with five Greek letters, a combination of Υ (Upsilon) and Ω (Omega).
Combinations The one right of the entrance is: Ω, Ω, Υ, Ω, Υ (Omega, Omega, Upsilon, Omega, Upsilon)

The one in the left corner behind the wall is: Υ, Ω, Ω, Ω, Υ ( Upsilon, Omega, Omega, Omega, Upsilon)

The combination of the one on the right wall is: Υ, Ω, Ω, Ω, Ω (Upsilon, Omega, Omega, Omega, Omega)

The one left of is: Ω (not readable), Ω, Υ, Υ, Ω (Omega, Omega, Upsilon, Upsilon, Omega)
Keep these four combinations in mind. Now get into the right corner. You can climb onto the last pillar. Turn towards the next pillar and make a running jump to get there.
Goodies: Turn left and jump onto the platform above the door. Follow it to the right end. Make a running jump over to the next platform above the other door. Grab the ledge and pull up. Collect the small medipack and the magnum ammo. Jump back to the previous platform and back onto the pillar.
Turn towards the next pillar and take a running jump to get there. Continue to the next by making a running jump and grabbing the ledge. Make a standing jump onto the pillar to the right. Now make a running jump towards the higher pillar. Grab the ledge and pull up.
Goodies: Here you can find another large medipack. But you cannot reach it legally - at least I have not found a legal way yet. Before you jump to the large platform with the levers, note the light brown platform and column left of it. If you look around you might spot the large medipack on top of it. To get it, jump onto the platform at the foot of the column and from there use the Corner Bug (see WikiRaider for details) to get on top.
Continue onto the platform with the levers.

Omega, Omega, Upsilon, Omega, Upsilon

Now use the first combination we got. (Or for any other, refer to the according paragraph. But remember to go down the stairs to open the gate to this platform.) Omega, Omega, Upsilon, Omega, Upsilon or in other words pull the third and fifth lever down. The other three have to be up. Up, Up, Down, Up, Down. Now go down the stairs in the middle of the platform. Use the lever to open the gate. Step outside and run towards the open door right of the entrance. Step inside. There are a couple of spikes on the ground, in-between are some grey platforms. Run towards the passage on the right. Pull out the crate. Climb into the passage behind and use the lever to bring up some pillars in the spike room. Run further up. At the top save your game. Make a standing jump onto the pillar in front of you. Turn right and make a running jump onto the pillar in the corner. Turn left and running jump towards the next pillar. Again, turn a bit left and running jump towards the next pillar. And again turn left and make a running jump towards the pillar there. Take a last running jump towards the pillar at the exit. Then make a standing jump into that chamber. Shoot the gorilla then pick up the lead bar. Standing jump back towards the pillar and jump down onto a safe spot. Return outside. Step through the open door on the left to get back up to the levers.

Upsilon, Omega, Omega, Omega, Omega

Now pull the first lever down and all others up. Place the levers in the following positions: Down, Up, Up, Up, Up Climb down and run towards the door you just opened. The one in the area right of the platform. Inside are five pillars with fires burning on them, in a pool. Use the Save Crystal. Then try to shoot the three giant rats inside the pool, you can climb down on the left to shoot them. Now advance to the first fire. All the fires will go out. Now hurry. You have to run to the edge of the pillar and time your jump right to reach the next pillar standing. Hold down the "Up" Button to continue running. Jump towards the next pillar. Now press slightly to the right and jump to reach the third pillar. Press left while running, then jump to reach the fourth. Try to land in the left corner - otherwise Lara won't have enough space to run - then take a running jump to the fourth pillar and grab the ledge. If you miss any of the jumps or catch fire swim through the water, back to the other side and start again. Take a look at the pic if you are not sure where to jump. Blue dots are save crystals, the black dot is the lead bar. Pull up quickly and run off the square before the fire starts burning again. Pick up the lead bar. Then save your game at the Save Crystal. Now it's time to shoot any remaining rats in the pool. Then jump into the water and return to the other side. You can climb out on the left side. Kill the gorilla attacking you. Step back into the main chamber. Use the opened gate on the left to get back up to the levers.

Omega, Omega, Upsilon, Upsilon, Omega

Now use the next combination. Pull the third and fourth lever down, while all others have to be up. Up, Up, Down, Down, Up. This opens the door left of the entrance. Climb down and step inside that chamber. Inside is a giant pillar with a platform on top. Step into the passage behind the pillar. Turn right and run down the stairs. There you will find a movable crate. Pull it out of the wall. This will cause an earthquake. If you now return to the chamber, you can see that part of it has collapsed. Run up the stairs and instead of returning to the chamber head further up. At the top, take a good look around. Outside are a couple of pillars most of them to steep to stand on. One square to the right and one square to the front is a yellow pillar. Make a standing jump to get there. From there aim towards the column in the middle. Take a running jump and grab the ledge. Pull up. Now aim for a slightly sloped platform on the right wall. Make a running jump to get there. Turn left again. Make a standing jump onto the double platform there. Then carefully make a standing jump into the passage. Do not get to close or you might bump your head and drop down. Climb up the yellow rocks on the right. Climb into the alcove and save your game at the Save Crystal. Draw your guns and kill two bats and two gorillas.
Secret 1: Then take a running jump towards the pool. Shoot the two crocodiles or as much of them as you can. Run along the narrow passage of the aqueduct on the right. You might get another chance to shoot the remaining crocodile(s). They are lurking at the end in the cavern. After finishing them jump into the water and dive into the cavern. Turn right and climb out of the water. Turn left and climb along the right shore. Shortly before the end, you will encounter a slope, which will send you back into the water. So slide down the slope before you and jump to avoid that second leading_into_water-slope. You will slide into the corner. Climb along to the left. Pick up the small medipack and the magnum ammo. Jump back into the water and dive back towards the aqueduct. Climb out and return to the edge where you came in.
Hang from the ledge of the aqueduct.
Secret 2: Shimmy to the right till you're above the goodies. Then let go. Collect the uzi ammo, the shotgun shells and the small medipack. Jump out of the corner.
Kill the gorilla. Run ahead. In one of the alcoves on the right lies a small medipack. Pick it up. Run back towards the second alcove on the right. There you can jump onto another wall. Wait for the gorilla to appear, then kill it. When you reach the second last alcove, another gorilla will come out of the last. Kill it as well. Turn right and look over to the other side. You can see a gap in the wall there. Position at the edge facing towards the right end of that gap. Jump back and then make a running jump to get over there. Grab the ledge. Pull up and collect the large medipack. Then hang from the ledge again and shimmy to the left as far as you can. Let go to land on a ledge. Shoot the bat. Turn around and make a running jump to the other side. Kill another bat. Run up the long ramp. Then climb further up. At the top is a chamber with collapsing floor tiles. Quickly run towards the large medipack. Pick it up. Then get to the other side. Slide down the slope. Climb further down. You will come to a balcony above the room you started it. Follow it around. Shoot the lion coming towards you. Then enter the passage on the other side. Step out onto the platform and shoot the two gorillas downstairs. Turn right. Take a running jump towards the ledge there. Enter the passage on the right. Advance towards the pool. Shoot the crocodile if you can then jump into the water. Climb out on the other side. Climb up the rock in the left corner. From the doorframe, shoot a couple of bats and if possible two lions and a gorilla on the ground. Then take a running jump onto the temple roof. Pick up the lead bar in the corner and save your game at the crystal. Carefully drop to the ground. Shoot the remaining animals downstairs. Pick up the large medipack in front of the temple then step inside. Use the lever at the end to open a gate somewhere in front of a beautiful garden. Kill the gorilla then save your game at the Save Crystal. Run into the passage opposite and choose any direction to get out. Shoot the remaining gorillas, I encountered three. Run back towards the pool. Turn right and run down the passage there.

Turning Lead into Gold

Step inside the garden and kill the two gorillas.
Secret 3: On the left side behind the trees is a well hidden lever. Use it to open a gate on the left. Step inside. There you'll find a set of fast closing doors and collapsing floor. You have to get through them quickly. Jump through when they open up. Pick up the magnum ammo, the shotgun shells, and the small medipack. Get back through the doors and outside.
On the roof of the temple, you can see a large medipack. Go towards the wall right of it and climb up. Turn around and jump towards the roof, hold on to the ledge and pull up. Collect the large medipack. Follow the passage into a chamber with the statue of Midas. Advance towards his hand on the right. Do not climb on it or you will be turned into gold and those of you who have seen Goldfinger, know what this means - certain death. Stand next to it and press action, Lara will choose the first lead bar and rub it on Midas' hand. It will turn into gold. Repeat this until all three bars are gold, then save your game at the crystal. To get there climb onto the pillar right of it and make a standing jump to get there. Climb back into the garden. Run up the stairs to return to the pool. Run into the passage ahead to return to the five levers. We have one last combination left, remember? Climb up to the levers.

Upsilon, Omega, Omega, Omega, Upsilon

Now use the last combination. Pull the first and fifth lever down, all others have to be pulled up. Down, Up, Up, Up, Down. This opens the door underneath the balcony with the blue save crystal. (This is the one left of the lever platform for PC users.) Step into the passage you just opened. Kill the lion. On the left is a passage leading down to a place with three alcoves. Above it is a sign with the picture of a gold bar and the number 3. Therefore, you will need the three gold bars you have just created. Before entering, run up to the balcony at the top. Pick up the shotgun shells. Then use the Save Crystal to save your game. Run back down. Enter the chamber and place the gold bars in the three alcoves. This opens the door. Step through and slide down the slope to finish the level.
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